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WHITE LINE S.R.L. Project:
WHITE LINE 4.0 - PROJECT CODE IS0109264 ASSE VI Investment Priority 13i

Whiteline has implemented a project directed toward technological and digital transformation, transition to the circular economy paradigm, and energy sustainability.

The innovative, sustainable investments with high technological content consistent with the “Transition 4.0 Plan” that have been made consist of:

  • Button automation line, consisting of Button Dyeing Plant and Product Dosing Plant, and interconnection software
  • Water treatment plant consisting of recovery plant Bath Pickel
  • Air conditioning system skins
  • Installation of photovoltaic system that will alloẁ to self-produce much of the electricity needed by the company with zero environmental impact.

The investments enable Whiteline to achieve the following results.

  • Expansion and operational efficiency of production capacity;
  • Technological and digital transformation of the enterprise through the use of enabling technologies pertaining to the Transition 4.0 plan
  • transition of the enterprise to the circular economy paradigm through the application of the solutions that make the production process more sustainable, in terms of reducing the percentage of raw material used, energy and water consumption.
  • energy sustainability of the enterprise through the installation of renewable electricity generation system for self-consumption,

Despite the increase in production capacity, thanks to the selection and installation of high-efficiency equipment, it appears that a 93% reduction in electricity purchased from the grid was achieved, which corresponds to a primary energy saving of 68.6 TOE/year, corresponding to a 35.8% reduction in consumption compared to the total before the investment.